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Monday August 14, 2023

Bulk Trash Pickup Week - Monday to Friday
Monday, August 14th, 2023, All Day Event
  • Bulk Trash is the 2nd Monday week each month
  • Bulk Trash can be set out beginning the Friday before
What Goes to the Curb?
  • Appliances
  • If an appliance has Freon (e.g. a/c unit or refrigerator) it is NOT accepted
  • Tree Limbs (8ft or less is preferable)
  • Shrubbery (please separate from bulky items)
  • Bagged Leaves
  • Furniture*
  • Carpet
  • Mattresses
Other bulky items
*If you have bulky items that are in good condition and still functional, please consider donating them to the Salvation Army, Goodwill Industries of Dallas, Habitat for Humanity or any other local donation center.
What does not go to the Curb?
  • Tires
  • Passenger tires (25 inches or less) can be taken to the Landfill and the Northwest Transfer Station. Please limit to 6 per year per resident.
  • Construction Debris
  • Bricks, Concrete, Rocks, Dirt, etc.
  • Mirrors and Glass (e.g. window or shower glass)
  • Electronics (e.g. televisions, computers, etc.)
  • Car parts (e.g. engine)
  • Lawnmowers (or any machinery that may contain gasoline)
Tips to Avoid a Citation:
Do not put out material earlier than 7:00 a.m. on Thursday prior to your collection week (please see instructions above to find your Week). Material must be placed at the curb by 7:00 a.m. the Monday of the pickup week.*
Put materials on the curb in front of your home. Do not place on vacant lots or medians. Do not place materials in front of utility poles, traffic signs, utilities meters or hydrants.
Do not allow your bulky items or brush to block the sidewalk or protrude into the street.

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